Obsessive Hobby Disorder OHD

Obsessive Hobby Disorder OHD

Years ago I was diagnosed with OHD–Obsessive Hobby Disorder. Apparently its rare, really rare. Mostly this is because the acronym and diagnosis was made up specifically to apply to me and from what I understand does not apply to anyone else. Or does it? You see, I was married at the time to a school teacher who dealt daily with 5th graders who had been pigeon holed and categorized with a variety of acronym type terms: ADD, ADHD, OCD,...

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Are you a believer in astrology? I can’t say I’m convinced one way or the other. I’d like to think that I can keep an open mind on most topics. Astrology is one of those in which I could go either way right now. It has a huge historical tradition and following, but at the same time, it has a large portion of society today that think its just bunk. I’m a gemini. My basic profile description is as follows: Typical Geminies are very...

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Theories About Anger

Theories About Anger

I’m a rather calm person and not easily riled. Recently I’ve been wondering why people get angry so often. What is the general cause of anger in people? Is there some simple core component that causes it? These are the questions I’ve been asking myself lately. The conclusion I came to is rather simple. I believe the core principle in individual anger is when a person feels an outcome should have been different than the way it...

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Haircuts and Chicken Soup

Haircuts and Chicken Soup

I put haircuts and chicken soup in the same category. When I’m sick, chicken noodle soup is one of my comfort foods. The warm liquid feels so incredible as I’m fighting off a fever, sore throat, or other ailment. When I’m not sick, getting a haircut seems to brighten my day and give me warm fuzzy feelings inside. Why does chicken soup taste and feel so good when we are sick? I’m guessing the warmth is a big part of it. Warm liquids...

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Cheese Phobia!

Cheese Phobia!

I have cheese phobia–a fear of cheese. It’s a very strange thing to admit and even write about. I’ve had it for most of my life, having it start back when I was about five years old. You see, when I grew up, I was never really exposed to cheese and my first experience was quite extreme. My mother gained her cooking skills from her mother, which is to say, she had very little in cooking skills when she married my father. Her skill set...

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